Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Quick Holiday`

Got a quick trip to go on this week, I shall be returning shortly, in the meantime, feel free to have a look through the archives and delve into the history of the website.

Or even better !

Stop reading, and start blogging !


Blogger Masculist Man said...

Have fun on your trip.

Check out my blog.

4:34 am  
Blogger Masculist Man said...


I've started a Men's Rights Blog and if you provide a link to it on your blog page I'll receipocate.

12:14 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could you link to my MRA blog at mikeeusa.blogspot.com

I'll link back (just drop a comment on one of the stories on my blog so I know).

12:24 pm  
Blogger MikeeUSA said...

Could we swap links, here's my MRA weblog:

(comment somewhere on it if you put up a link to me)

5:49 am  
Blogger pjanus said...

I think this 'quick holiday' should go in the Guiness book of Records

11:36 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another Great blog like this one can be found at modernmales.blogspot.com, from reading the style of writing I figure it may be the same author as one of the many recently closed down blogs.

12:05 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jay,

I apologise for contacting you out of the blue but I am researching a new TV programme and wondered if you could help...

I am hoping to make a new programme about people who feel a sense of dislike towards, or are uncomfortable with, members of the opposite sex and/or gender-specific movements (feminism etc).

Firstly, as one of the most-linked anti-feminist bloggers, I wondered if you would be happy to correspond with me on the subject and possibly be involved in the project...? Secondly, I wondered if you could write a piece on your blog about what I'm looking for and encourage people to get involved.

I would be extremely grateful if you could get in touch with me as soon as possible on andy.cadman@endemoluk.com to discuss this further. Any and all correspondence will be dealt with in complete confidence!

Many thanks and I hope to hear from you soon.


PS If anyone else reading this is interested, please do get in touch!

Andy Cadman
Assistant Producer

Brighter Pictures
Endemol UK
Shepherds Building Central
Charecroft Way
W14 0EE

Tel: 020 8222 4898

1:32 pm  
Blogger Masculist Man said...

There is a feminist that is gunning for MRA's since she is coming after us. Her blog is


This what she thinks of MRA's:

62 year old "Bob Allen" claims to be a philosopher, libertarian and human rights advocate. He is part of a growing, disturbing group of bitter malcontents who call themselves Masculists, or Men's Rights Advocates (MRA). Hiding behind the anonymity of the Internet,they spew hatred and advocate violence against women, the police, and anyone who disagrees with their agenda of hate. Members of the Men's Rights Movement (MRM) like "Bob Allen" delight in sowing hatred,spreading lies and recruiting insecure and troubled youths into their paranoid and misogynistic fantasy world. When the truth isn't compelling enough, they create their own.

Source: http://womanofsteele.blogspot.com/2007/11/mens-rights-advocate-glorifies-cop.html

It seems her first target was yours truly because I dared to question her precious IMBRA.

The oh-so erudite and eloquent eMasculated Cretins over at Men's Rights Blog took exception to my "outing" their latent homosexuality (which was already "out" to anyone who had taken a college-level Intro to Psych course, which is why none of them realized it, I guess). One of the more advanced (i.e. with opposable thumbs & potty trained) of the eMasculists (boldly putting forth his views under the name "anonymous") posted this reaction (in the quaint vernacular of his people) to the Woman of Steele blog:

Who are FredX and Duncan? The older men who taught eMasculated Man when he was just eFfeminate Boy? Where did they go? San Francisco? Bangcock? The aids clinic?

Note to self: what's an mra? Men Reaming Assholes? Mostly Retarded Asshats? My Rectal Adventure? I'm sure Mr. eMas knows how to tear new assholes, having broken in lots of newbies like anonymous....

Source: http://womanofsteele.blogspot.com/2007/11/life-among-savages-mens-rights-blog.html

Since "man" cannot live by Internet porn, phone sex and mail order bride fantasy sites alone, there are a number of sophomoric Cretins running immature, moronic
anti-woman,anti-IMBLA hate sites, forums and blogs with the time that normal males would be spending with real female companionship. These perpetual adolescents strut incessantly, talking big and bold behind their fake names and faux manly personas, complaining about American women and feminists and pretending that they're home every night, typing with one hand, by choice.

To the outside observer, their denial about their own sexuality, and the angst it's causing,is palpable and obvious.

A particularly pathetic example is called Men's Rights Board here on blogspot. Like most of these sites, it's run by a guy too cowardly to use his real name (lest his mother or husky
Polish wife reads it and makes him put the ball gag back on) This guy calls himself (get this:) the "Masculist Man." Gay enough for ya? A name obviously inspired by a Village People song.

He has a really bad illustration of a cartoon character grasping the phallic shaft of a sword held erect. The character is so cowardly he wears glasses and a kerchief over his face. He has just hacked the arm off a chained skeleton. Is this the poster graphic for Impotence, or what?

Most all of these guys are compensating for something... social awkwardness,impotence,latent homosexuality, insecurity, tiny penises, acne or obesity. Too bad that instead of raising themselves up, they put their energy into tearing women down.


She even went on to say this about one of our brothers:

Update: I found the blog of Fredx (http://fredxblog.blogspot.com/). I'm sure glad he's not around! Sounds like a real man's man!

Source: Source:


8:13 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

when's the last time any of you guys got laid? you seem like emotional cripples to me.

12:40 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cool post as for me. I'd like to read something more about this matter.
By the way look at the design I've made myself Companionship in London

12:19 pm  
Blogger Unknown said...

If you never return, I mark here, there was an ally! Should you return find your ally at http://menareangrynow.wordpress.com/

Thanks for all you've done in defending men and boys from sexism!

10:38 am  
Anonymous heiratsagentur frauen said...

I am against feminism. Femenizm is bad. Thanks for the post.

1:32 pm  
Anonymous xanax said...

Good day! You some form of knowledgeable? Nice message. Can you tell me easy methods to subscribe your weblog?

12:19 am  
Anonymous Buy Adderall said...

Definitely, what a splendid blog and enlightening posts, I will bookmark your website.Have an awsome day! You are a very clever individual!

9:12 pm  
Anonymous Elliott Broidy said...

Blogging time.

4:18 pm  
Blogger Unknown said...

Its interesting

7:09 pm  

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