Monday, November 20, 2006

Spread the seed.

I was recently listening to a sermon about spreading seed, and how the small things we do can have major impacts, the pastor of a local church exclaimed that by simply asking one question to someone, you can effectively change the life of someone !

I once heard a story of how a man walked the streets of sydney asking people ONE question,
"If you died tonight, are you going to heaven?" This one question systematically changed not hundreds but thousands of peoples lives.

Ok, ok, i'll quit with the holy speaches for a moment, and re-start by stating how I think this could apply to Mra's.

I believe that by simply asking people what they believe, you actually instigate a response from them which COULD lead to them changing their beliefs ! For instance ask someone if they believer the war in iraq was for the good, and you may get a variety of responses, one such may be "Of course!" but later that person may go home and ask himself why he thought that, and proceed to research the matter, as most men do, only to later come to HIS OWN conclusion that the war has served no good purposes whatsoever !

It was your QUESTION that made him change his mind !

Now what I'm saying here is that as Mra's do we spend 99% percent of the time trying to force our views on people, or do we simply ask them what they believe and why ?

How did most of us get here ? Was it because we were forced too, by some all knowing gentleman who told us all about the dire situation we are in at the moment ? OR WAS IT BECAUSE WE OURSELVES REALISED THAT DIRE SITUATION AND SOUGHT CONFIRMATION OF OUR BELIEF !

I would dare to say it is more likely to be the latter !

So has anyone got what I'm going to call a 'calculated question' they think can help with this.
I''m too busy to think one up at the moment.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey man, nice to see you back. I'm fairly new to the the MRA area, in case your wondering who I am.

Anyways, a possible question in regards to getting people to see modern day society for the true full rotten nature that is could possibly be ' Do you believe that men have become second class citizens in modern society? '

10:48 pm  
Blogger Fidelbogen said...

"Anyways, a possible question in regards to getting people to see modern day society for the true full rotten nature that is could possibly be ' Do you believe that men have become second class citizens in modern society?'"

I would push that question to a different level by rephrasing it just slightly:

'WHY do you believe that men have become second class citizens in modern society?'

8:01 am  

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